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Woollen exporters of India focusing on another market

Woollen Exporters of India

As due to warmer winters and economic slowdown, Export to USA and EUROPE declined, so Woollen exporters of India shifting focus towards countries like Kazakhstan, Germany, China and Australia.

The main reason for the decline of woollen exports is constant global warming which results in reducing the severity of winter. As per Sushil Kaura, who is the chairman of Wool & Woollens Export Promotion Council under textiles ministry, is that the decline is 17 percent from April to June 2016. It is really very sad news for woollen exporters.

According to year wise comparison, export declined from Rs 3,112 crore to Rs 3,012 crore in 2015-2016 to US and Europe, however, in terms of dollar, it is declined 9% from $510 million at $462 million.

Again minister Sushil Kaura said, change in climate is the biggest reason for the decrease in woollen export. To overcome from this situation, council holding trade fair at Melbourne in Australia, Almaty in Kazakhstan, Munich in Germany and in China. There is another reason for the decrease is the 30-35 per cent rise in the price of imported wool, which has heated up competition from Thailand, Turkey and Bangladesh for exporters.

Now it is mandatory to interfere and provide support to woollen exporters such as the abolition of import duty on raw wool, consideration of special package to boost exports and textile machinery and spare parts, increase in duty drawback rates, the speedy release of a drawback, as per the minister Sushil Kaura.

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