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On Importing Indian Buffalo Meat Agreed By China

Horison the Buffalo

There is a demand for buffalo meat in China and from India; China has finally agreed to start buying removing restrictions on the import of Indian beef. From Beijing, A quality inspection team had visited India to examine the buffalo slaughter houses and for sending meat to China have cleared 14 of these butchering facilities. To buy beef from India from May 2014, the government has been trying to make China agree.

From Vietnam, China had been getting Indian beef and by this India was not getting any benefit that could change the bilateral trade. With China considerably, the export of beef to China can change the trade deficit. in 2014-15, with China, the trade deficit of India was $48.48 billion and to $52.69 billion in 2015-16, it rose.

The biggest buyer of Indian beef is Vietnam. In 2013-14, 5,24,370 MT( metric tonne) of Indian beef was sent to Vietnam and in 2014-156,33,800.24 MT. from Vietnam-China was buying Indian beef and so the beef to be sold directly from the country was the interest of Indian Government.

In 2013, During Premier Li Keqiang’s visit to India, for getting beef from India China had signed a MoU but has cleared 14 centers for import only recently.  The beef from other countries like Brazil, Indian water buffalo meat is cost competitive and better in quality. 13,14,158.05 MT of buffalo meat exported by India and last year, its products all over the world for a value of Rs.2,6681.56 crore. Vietnam, Malaysia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Iraq are the main markets for Indian buffalo meat.

In the world, China has the largest population and its consumption of meat is also on a rise. As per data are shown by the NGO WildAid that by the year 2030 half of the world’s beef will be consumed by Chinese population. On an average, a Chinese eats about 170 gm meat per day, shown as per the report which is much more from the average of 30gms in 1978.

On beef import from the US last year China had removed its ban so India has a good hope. Indian prime minister In May 2015 had visited China and raised this matter. To send quality inspectors for examining Indian slaughterhouses China had then decided for seeing if they meet the norms Chinese have set. After Mr Narendra Modi’s a joint statement that was issued declaring that both countries will take required actions for promoting the bilateral trade.


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