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Significant in September exports, Growth of 4.62%: Nirmala Sitharaman

September Exports

The Union Commerce and Industry minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, spoke in the backdrop of India International Fair (IITF). The growth of exports in September is 4.62%, which is “really significant growth”; the depressed exporters who are fighting with the weak global demand will improve the sentiments with this.

Before September a two ¬month fall in exports was seen when the exports rose by 4.62 % to USD 22.9 billion. This is due to a cost increase in sectors like engineering and gems and jewellery.

So Sitharaman said, at that place is definitely prospect for our exporters who are struggling and also performing in a really hard place,” there is a hope too.

Change in the government policies that are changing India’s image and in the first six months of this fiscal to $21.62 billion that is by 30 % foreign direct investment (FDI) entering the country has increased.

The FDI has improved and the stream of capital into the state has improved also as the policies of this government, very clear and policy driven, not discretion drove policy of the regime. In the last 2.5 years, India has clearly sustained its image as a shining star. It is also performing and recording the growth which is needed and actually proving as the engine of the global growth itself.

She stated that in the IITF lot of economic activity will be successfully donning. The fair is from November 14-27.

The primary objective of this fair was boosting trade, increasing investments and taking up joint ventures in technology sectors and other new industries.

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