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This season India to make a record high export of onions

shutterstockThis season India may reach the highest record for onion export as the exports may reach 23,00,000-24,00,000 Metric Tonnes (MT).

Till date, The highest exports of onions have not crossed 18,00,000 MT. three major steps were taken by The Maharashtra government and the Central government that benefited the onion production in the country. That are-

  • Removal of Minimum Export Price (MEP)
  • For onion Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) has been extended till 31 March 2017
  • More railway rakes to ship onion

This season there is a huge production of the red variety of onion. in Nashik yards of Agriculture Produce Market Committee (APMC) are loaded with red onions, so the prices of onions are low.

The MEP was made Zero from December 2015. in November 2016 according to the APMC chairman of Lasalgaon change in MEP affected exports in the past and had never crossed 18,00,000 MTĀ  but the onion exports were already at 20,00,000 MT. by March 2017 It is expected that300,000 to 400,000 MT of onion will be exported taking the total onion exports figure between 23,00,000-24,00,000 MT.

Under the MEIS (Foreign Trade Policy of India 2015-20) A 5% subsidy incentive is provided for export of onion. Owing to this subsidy, the onion was bought for exports and the prices remained in control. The MEIS for onion export extended till 31 March 2017 by Maharashtra CM Devendra Fadnavis together with the Central government.

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