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Pepper imports increase by 18% and exports fall due to higher prices

Pepper Imports

In between January¬ and October this year, from Kochi port, the exports of Pepper have seen a fall of 43.54 per cent while by 18.25 percent the inward shipments have increased.

Between January and October this year, the pepper export from Kochi Port was low at 10792 tonnes which were 19,116 tonnes last year. This year in between January and October of 2015, however, the imports have increased to 14,515 tonnes from 12,275 tonnes.

This year from Vietnam the Indian imports shipments are mainly coming. 10,399 tonnes of pepper has been imported to India till now in this year As per Vietnam General Department of Customs and from the last year that is an increase of 33.82 percent. Their third top importer is India.

The overall exports are around 11,800 tonnes and total imports at around 16,500 tonnes of pepper by India. There is lately composed of value added imported pepper by most of the Indian pepper exports. Before reselling to other countries the imported pepper is brought to India and undergoes some processes like extraction, grinding and sterilisation.

In India, the high prices of pepper are leading to falling exports. In comparison to pepper from other countries like Indonesia and Vietnam, The Malabar pepper is costlier and this is the reason, for getting the spice buyers are moving to these countries. For this reason, many pepper exporters have lost their customers and competitors have gained their market share.

The pepper prices of India are raising as per Industry people cause of the increasing local demand and in the produce, not much increase has been seen. Kerela is the main pepper growing state in India. Kerela has low productivity and higher production cost. About 300kg per hectare is the productivity in the state.

With farmers selling their produce, the pepper prices may fall. In the prices of pepper the buyers and traders are expecting a fall and so are waiting. Only the industries are buying and needing pepper urgently. At price of Rs. 650-¬670 per kg, 11 tonnes of pepper was sold in the terminal market.

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