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The import of some agri-commodities from Vietnam stopped by India Temporarily

With effect from March 7th, The Indian government has temporarily stopped the import of agri commodities like coffee beans, bamboo, and black pepper, cinnamon, cassia and dragon fruit from Vietnam because of the “repeated interception of quarantine pests”. From India, Vietnam had banned the import of peanuts, cassia seed, cocoa beans, haricot beans and tamarind […]

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Grapes boost the fruit exports by 40%

In between April-December 2016, the fresh fruit export of India, boosted by high grape export, has increased by 40%. The main reasons behind this sudden increase in exports of fresh fruits are lower production by competing countries and the country’s bumper produce. Regarding the fruit exports, Apeda (Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority) […]

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In Jan by 22% India’s Coal import falls

During January 2017 the coal imports of India fell by 22% and reached to 14.31 million tonne in compared to the figure of 18.28 million tonnes in January 2016. Because of fall in demand from the discoms, this is the main reason as they had enough coal in inventory. On further reducing the dependency on […]

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To ease import regulations India requests the US

For easing out the phytosanitary standards, the government of India has asked the US government that are impacting the mango export from India to the USA. Indian fruit consignments Many times recently rejected due to some incidents and returned back on the grounds of not following the phytosanitary norms set by the US. Before acceptance, […]

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