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    Trade Genius provides Indian Port Data of all major ports of India, including Delhi TKD Icd data, Delhi Air cargo port data, Mumbai Air cargo port data, JNPT & Nhava Sheva Sea port data, Chennai Sea port data, Kolkata Sea port data, Bangalore Air port data, Bangalore Icd port data, Hyderabad Air port data, Hyderabad Icd port data, Petrapole Road data etc.

    Indian Port data recover from four types of available resources; those are SEA port data, AIR port data, ICD / DRY port data and by ROAD shipment data connected to neighbor countries of India.

    SEA Ports Data:

    The major sea port of India is available in Mumbai, which is famous with the name JNPT (Nhava Sheva) sea port. It is not only India but Asia’s biggest port equipped with well automatic port structure and transmission system for containers. Chennai Sea is the second largest ports of India followed by Kolkata sea port, Vizac sea ports & Tuticorin sea ports etc.

    AIR Ports Data:

    The major air ports of India are Delhi Air cargo, which is followed by Bombay Air cargo, Bangalore Air cargo & Hyderabad Air cargo etc.

    ICD / DRY Ports Data:

    Delhi Tughlakabad ICD is the largest dry port of north India exist in the capital of the country, New Delhi. It covers data of only FCL (full container load) shipment data. Ludhiana ICD, Sabarmati ICD, Bangalore ICD, Hyderabad ICD, Patparganj ICD are other major / famous dry ports available in different part of the country.

    ROAD Shipments Data:

    By ROAD data covers shipments of trade between India and neighbour countries like Nepal, Pakistan and Bangladesh only. Petrapole is a major port of India, which connect India & Bangladesh by ROAD and generate data of trade between two neighbor countries.

    Our Indian Port data are categories in two types: India Export Data and India Import Data. India Export Data covers all the shipments exported from SEA ports, AIR ports, ICD’s & by ROAD’s to worldwide, similarly India Import data cover all the shipments imported into India from the world via SEA ports, AIR ports, ICD’s & by ROAD’s.

    Indian Export Data Portwise

    Indian Import Data Portwise

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