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Indian Grapes Export To Europe Starts With Full Swing

Grapes TDB

To Europe the export of Indian grapes has begun with a full swing and650 tonne of the fruit has already been shipped so far. With an expected increase of 15% in the exports to Europe, The exporters of grapes anticipate a new record this season.

1,200-tonne grapes have been shipped to the Russia, Middle East, and Bangladesh as well besides the exports to Europe. To Australia this season for a trial purpose, a special shipment is most likely going to be sent.

According to Grape Exporters Association of India, to Europe this season the volume of grape exports may easily cross one lakh tonne. To the western continent in the last season, About 85,000 tonne of grapes were exported. As the weather is better this year, about 15% increase in exports of the fruit is expected. The grapes have been exported from Satana belt of Nashik district till now where the early harvest has happened already. the regular export season will be starting in mid-January In Nashik and the exports are anticipated to reach 1.25 lakh tonne.

As the early grape harvesting happened in about 6000 acres of Satana belt from the 1.75 lakh acres of sown area, the drought of last year has impacted the crop.

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