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The import of Indian Basmati rice allowed by Iran

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As a trade delegation of twenty members had been to the country, Iran is expected to soon declare the resumption of Indian Basmati rice imports.

About resumption of issuance of permits for import of rice, the notification about the resumption of issuance of permits for import of rice said by the commerce and Industry minister.

In the Iranian government like the Food and Drug Organisation, Governmental Trading Corporation and Trade Promotion Organisation, the Indian delegation had discussions with various departments. Also, the Iran Chamber of Commerce and Rice Importers Association members met this delegation. Causing doubts about the health and safety of rice from India, The deliberations helped to dispel the negative publicity which appeared in some part of Iran media, said by the industry and commerce ministry.

Every year, 2 million MT (metric tonnes) of rice was grown and about 1 million MT of rice imported annually as well. About 7 lakh MT is bought from India Out of the1 million MT rice, as per the report.

For Indian basmati rice, Iran has been one of the major markets in last few years. In 2015—2016 financial year, the export of the Indian basmati rice fell down from $1.1 billion in the financial year 2014-2015 to $571 million. In first six months of the current fiscal year, Indian basmati rice exports to Iran were only at $356 million.

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