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On groundnut import from India Vietnam puts a ban

Oil Seeds The Dollar Business

The import of groundnut has been banned by Vietnam from India temporarily citing some quality issues. Just after 14 months when Vietnam had restarted the imports of Indian groundnut this has happened.

As per a data made by Apeda (Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority) shows that about 5 % of Indian agri-trade is of groundnut. In 2015 Vietnam had put Indian groundnut import ban after which the two nations had made a decision to follow SOP (standard working procedure) and the Indian plants that were authorised with place isolate division could trade groundnut to Vietnam as they would be examined for cleanliness and hygienic requirements. From January 2016 Vietnam allowed groundnut import from Indian exporters after this mutual agreement.

After a thorough check, the precautions agreed upon were being followed stringently and export from India was happening. Still some buyers complained and the groundnut import gain banned by Vietnam. From India to Vietnam in 2015-16 only 18418-tonne groundnut (value of $20 million) was exported with this ban and hence in 2014-15, the country has fallen to the place of the sixth largest importer of groundnut from India from the largest importer.

In 2014-15 Indonesia had imported 183,355 tonnes of groundnut from India ($191 million) and in 2015-¬16 for India with a buy of 173,966 tonnes became the largest groundnut importer for India. As per a data made by Apeda, Indonesia was followed by Malaysia with 72,211 tonnes ($89.37 million), Thailand (63,048 tonnes, $74.41 million), Philippines (50,699 tonnes, $60.90 million) and then Pakistan with 34,403 tonnes of groundnut imports ($28.73 million).

On other agro products of India as well, Vietnam may have a suspicious look. On India’s image of groundnut quality, this ban can have an impact. about 500,000¬-700,000 tonnes of groundnut India annually ships of value $500-¬700 million. by 29.58% during April 2016-January 2017 The groundnut exports increased and reached to 574,230 tonnes from 432,997 tonnes during the same period in the last year.

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