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Grapes boost the fruit exports by 40%

Grapes TD

In between April-December 2016, the fresh fruit export of India, boosted by high grape export, has increased by 40%. The main reasons behind this sudden increase in exports of fresh fruits are lower production by competing countries and the country’s bumper produce.

Regarding the fruit exports, Apeda (Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority) has compiled the data. During April-December 2015, the export of fresh fruit from the country was at 348,675 tonnes and during the same time period in 2016, went up to 487,441 tonnes. In April-December 2016, the exports reached $403 million In terms of money, from $335 million in April-December 2015.

This season the industry is anticipating a bumper crop and depending on the climate for the sweetness of the grapes. With the rise in the temperature, the sucrose in the fruit increases faster. In Europe, West Asia, and America, the country also sells mangoes besides grapes.

Due to weather conditions the grape crop of Chile and South Africa got damaged and this benefited Indian grape shipments this season which have increased by 15-20%. Giving them a new market to sell, the Chinese market has opened for Indian traders. For a better production, the sowing, planting, replanting, field preparations, harvesting, marketing has been done by them with extra care and for this large corporate houses entering the fresh fruit market has been beneficial. to invest These corporate houses have large amounts of money, so they can compete even with the developed countries.

To the European Union, India has proved to be a strong and dependable exporter for white seedless grapes. The service provided by the grape exporters is reliable and also the Indian grapes have been improved in quality, safety, and hygiene. Due to these factors, there is an increase in the exports. For better cultivation aiming for exports, the traditional farmers take advice from the recognised government bodies and have also become aware of the need for improved quality for exports.

The grape crop to reach a record high 2.64 million tonnes in fiscal 2016-17. The Ministry of Agriculture has forecasted, in the last fiscal which was 2.59. From January to April end the grape export season lasts.

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