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The Fruit import from India impacted by Bangladesh’s high duty on Orange import

Orange import By Bangladesh, The heavy duty on import of Indian oranges is impacting the exports tremendously. As in between India and Bangladesh, the export demand is reducing every year owing to the high import duty and absence of any agreement on sales terms the Indian orange farmers and traders are seeing a fall in sales to the neighbouring country.

While exporting to Bangladesh, oranges from other countries like China, Bhutan, and Pakistan attract low or no import duties, as per the industry. for Indian fruits including orange Bangladesh is the largest export market and between Indian and the neighbouring nation in absence of trade agreement from last 3-4 years a huge import levy is imposed on the fruits (about Rs.5.4 lakh per truck of 15-17 tonne). Before this was as low as Rs.45000-50000 per truck but now for average people, the high import levy makes Indian oranges very expensive. In Bangladesh, Even after a huge demand for Indian oranges, due to high prices they sell less and every year the export is reducing.

To other exporting nations the Indian oranges are superior in quality but due to high import rates that impact the prices, still are getting less market share. From Bangladesh for export and import of fruits, both countries should mutually come to an agreement, as per Industry.

From India to Bangladesh exports of fruits and vegetables are happening in hawala impacting the whole system, as per sources. To save on the high import duty, the exporters are forced to do under-invoicing. As he loses on the export incentive that the Indian government provides, this is a negative point for the exporter.

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